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Sunday, 28 August 2011

Answers to Brain Storm 2 And Scores!

  1. Cynophobia is the fear of what? {DOGS}
  2. Which is the most common as well as second most common pub name in the UK? {RED LION, THE ROYAL OAK}
  3. Whose autobiography is called ' MY BOOKY WOOK'? {RUSSEL BRAND}
  4. What was the first human invention that broke the SOUND BARRIER? {THE WHIP}
  5. Which is the only capital which borders two different countries? {BRATISLAVA}
  6. What is the Highest Mountain that is not in a mountain Range? {KILIMANJARO}
  7. Which is the only DWARF that never speaks in SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN DWARFS? {DOPEY}
  8. Which is the only PROPERTY on the MONOPOLY board that conatins all the letters in the word MONOPOLY? {ELECTRIC COMPANY}
  9. Which countries national anthem has no lyrics? {SPAIN}
  10. Originally known as IDLEWILD AIRPORT, by what name is it known today? {JFK INTL AIRPORT}

From here on Identify the Pictures/Personalities.
                                                                                     (11) {JAYANT PATEL}



(14) {LUIZ FIGO}


R Sri Krishna - 7
Nikhil - 7
Vasudev - 11.5
Anonymous - 1
Darshan Bheda - 13.5
Raghavendra - 6
Fe@r - 4
Anonymous - 7
Jis John - 7
Chinmaybolumbu - 11
Pranam - 1
Karthik R - 8
Anonymous - 1

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